A joint technical team consisting of staff of the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission (LERC) and the European Union Long-Term Technical Assistance (LTTA) team embedded within the Commission recently toured the European Union, Monrovia Consolidated Funded Congo Town substation located in Old road and the World bank, Liberia Accelerated Electricity Expansion Additional-Financing (LACCEEP-AF) funded Gardnerville sub-stations several donor sponsored project facilities of the Liberia Electricity Corporations(LEC).
During the tour, MBH Power limited Project Manager Sudhanshu S. Naik informed the team that The Congo town Substation with total capacity of 2x20MVA and the Gardnerville Substation with total capacity of 2x20/26MVA when completed and commissioned will increase electricity access and enhance grid stability scores of communities across Montserrado County and its environs.
Mr. Naik also mentioned that several staff members of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) are being trained as these new state of the arts equipment are being installed on managing and operating the new facilities upon completion and turnover.
The team led by LERC’s Head of Technical Regulations Engineer Abu Dekontee Sanso expressed gratitude for the warm reception at the project sites and level of works being performed by the Project Management team, implementing contractors and local subcontractors and the Financing agencies.
The visitation is the first in a series of visits expected to be made to several ongoing donors funded projects in the Electricity Supply industries across the country.