Jamel Dugbeh, Financial Economist

Jamel Dugbeh holds a Master’s of Science in International Finance and Economic Development (IFED) from the University of Kent – Canterbury, Kent, UK; and a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU), Camp Johnson Road, Monrovia, Liberia.

Dugbeh holds certificates in Monetary and Fiscal Policies in DSGE model and Debt sustainability analysis (DSA) from the International Monetary Fund (IMF); Financial Programming and Policy (FPP) from the IMF; and macroeconomic modelling, forecasting, and nowcasting from the African Development Bank (AFDB) secondment at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN), Rwanda.

He has worked as Budget Officer in the Department of Budget; Economist in the Department of Economic Management; and most recently as Assistant Director for the Domestic Economy, Department of Economic Management, all at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. Mr.

Dugbeh is also a class four (IV) member of the President Young Professionals (PYP) program.

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